Daen 286 (1982 - 2005)

On Wednesday, November 23, 2005, Daen was laid to rest here at Poole Training Center after a 2 week fight for his life.
No matter how long we are in the horse business this only gets harder for Blanchard and myself each time we have to say good-bye to a very dear friend.
There has never been and never will be a more noble, gentle, kind (words cannot express) stallion on this earth.
I know for many of you this will be very difficult news to receive as many of you loved Daen as much as all of us here. Daen, we all dearly loved you and miss you more than words can ever express.
- Debbie Poole
No matter how long we are in the horse business this only gets harder for Blanchard and myself each time we have to say good-bye to a very dear friend.
There has never been and never will be a more noble, gentle, kind (words cannot express) stallion on this earth.
I know for many of you this will be very difficult news to receive as many of you loved Daen as much as all of us here. Daen, we all dearly loved you and miss you more than words can ever express.
- Debbie Poole